Keywords Index: Keywords “„023459abcdefghijklmnopqrsßtuvwxyzαdamage (6)damage compensation (1)damages (2)Datex Ohmeda (1)day 0-4 post natum (1)daytime (1)DCP (2)DDSP (1)deafness (1)deconditioning (1)deep digital flexor tendon (3)deep intrauterine insemination (1)defense (1)Defense mechanism of the respiratory system (1)degenerative (1)degenerative changes (1)degree of performance (1)dehydration (1)delayed gastric emptying (1)delivery vectors (1)Denmark (1)dens axis (1)dens axis fracture (1)dental disease (2)dentigerous cyst (1)dentistry (3)dentology (1)Dermatologie (1)dermatology (4)dermoid cyst (1)deslorelin (1)desmitis (1)desmopathy (1)determination of behaviour (1)detomidine (1)development (1)development of lesions (1)development of veterinary medicine (1)developmental orthopedic diseases (1)dexamethasone (1)Dexmedetomidine (2)diabetes mellitus (1)diagnosis (6)diagnostic (9)diagnostic anaesthesia (1)diagnostic analgesia (1)diagnostic anesthesia (1)diagnostic errors (1)diagnostic imaging (19)diagnostic methods (1)diagnostic techniques (1)diagnostic test (1)diagnostics (9)Diagnostik imaging (1)diaphragmatic hernia (1)diaphragmatic rupture (1)diarrhea (1)Diarrhoe (1)dichlor(o)acetate (1)differential cell count (1)digestive tract content (1)digital flexor tendon sheat (1)digital flexor tendon sheath (2)digital monitoring (1)digital superficial flexor tendon (1)digital volume tomography (1)digitoxin, cardiac glycosides (1)dignity of animals (1)dilatation (1)diluent (1)dimension (1)diode laser (1)dipstick test (1)directions for use (1)directions for use of vaccines (1)disease (2)disease spread (1)diseases (1)disinfection (1)distal axonopathy (1)distal interphalangeal joint (6)distal phalanx fracture (1)distal sesamoid bone fracture (1)distance (1)distoctia (1)Diverticulum (1)DMRT3 (1)DNA vaccine (1)documentation diagnostic assessment errors (1)domestic horses (2)domestication (4)donkey (6)doping (5)Doppler sonography (2)dorsal spinous processes (2)doxycyclin (1)DPF (1)drinking throughs (1)driving competition (1)drug (2)drug delivery device (1)drug testing (1)drug-therapy induced laminitis (1)dry eye (1)dry summer period (1)DSS (1)ductus lactiferi (1)duration (2)duration of immunity (1)duration of use (1)dust (1)DXA (1)dynamic airway obstruction (1)dynamic laryngeal collapse (1)dynamic obstructions of the upper respiratory tract (1)dysautonomia (1)Dysfunction (2)dyspnoea (1)dystocia (1)