Keywords Index: Keywords “„023459abcdefghijklmnopqrsßtuvwxyzαb-Defensin (1)b-endorphin (1)B-mode (1)B-mode echocardiography (1)b-notch (1)babesia equi (1)babesiosis (1)back (16)back extension (1)back pain (10)back problem (2)back problems (6)back-problems (1)backproblem (2)bacteraemia, valvulitis (1)bacteria (7)bacterial (3)bacterial abortion (1)bacterial contamination (1)bacterial placentitis (1)bacteriology (1)BAER (1)BAL (1)balanced anaesthesia (1)ban from keeping horses (1)barefoot (1)barley (1)basal lamina (1)basis for imaging scans (1)Bavaria (2)Baypamune® (1)BCG (1)BCG-vaccine (1)bedding (1)bedding material (1)behavior (7)behavior chamber (1)behavior expression of discomfort (1)behavioral disorder (1)behaviour (12)behaviour research (1)behaviourism (2)bending (1)benzylpenicillin (1)beta-defensin (1)betamethasone (1)betting (1)Biceps tendon (2)bicipital tendon (1)big head (1)bilateral abdominal hernia (1)bilirubin (1)bioactive components (1)bioassay (1)biochemical (2)biochemical marker (1)biochemical sperm parameter, ELISA assay (1)biofilm (1)biofilms (1)bioinformatics (1)biology (1)biomechanic (2)biomechanical stress (1)biomechanics (11)biomechanism (1)biometric measurements (2)biopsy (6)bipartite (1)birthweight (1)bit (3)bite injuries (1)bits (1)bitting (1)bladder (2)bladder atony (1)bladder rupture (1)bleeding (1)blindness (4)blistering skin disease (1)blood (9)blood circulation (1)blood flow (3)blood gas analysis (1)blood gases (1)blood glucose (2)blood lactate (3)blood loss (1)blood marker (1)blood parameter (1)blood plasma (4)blood pressure (4)blood serum (2)blood serum analysis (1)blood supply (2)blood vessel (1)blood vessels (1)bloodgas (1)bloodgas analysis (1)bloodlines (1)body condition (2)body condition scoring (2)body site (1)body size (1)body temperature (1)body weight (3)body weight reduction (1)body-mounted inertial sensors (1)bodyweight (3)bone (11)bone atrophy (1)bone cement (1)bone cyst (2)bone drill (1)bone formation (1)bone fragment (1)bone frgment (1)bone healing (1)Bone imaging (2)bone markers (2)bone marrow (2)bone marrow autologous conditioned plasma (1)bone mineral content (1)bone mineral density (2)bone oedema (1)bone oedema like lesions (1)bone remodelling (1)Bone repair (1)bone scintigraphiy (1)bone scintigraphy (3)bone spavin (3)bone stress (1)bone to soft-tissue ratio (1)bone tumor (1)bones (1)Borna disease (2)borreliosis (1)botryomycosis (2)botulism (1)bowel (1)brachial artery (1)brain (2)branchiogenic cyst (1)brand (1)branding (1)Brazil (1)breath condensate (1)breath test (1)breed (2)breed fracture (1)breeding (6)breeding management (1)breeding season (1)breeding soundness (2)brochitis (1)brochitits (1)bronchitis (5)bronchoalveolar lavage (5)bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (1)bronchoconstriction (2)bronchodilators (1)broncholitis (1)bronchopneumonia (2)bronchoscopy (1)bronchus (1)bronichal compression (1)brood mare (1)broodmare (3)budesonide (1)Bulbusexstirpation (1)bullous pemphigoid (1)bullous pemphigoid antigen (1)bumps (1)bursa (3)bursa injection (3)bursa intertubercularis (1)bursa navicularis (1)butorphanol (2)buying (1)by-pass surgery (1)