Keywords Index: Keywords “„023459abcdefghijklmnopqrsßtuvwxyzαs-(+)-ketamine (1)sacroiliac joint (1)saddle (5)saddle fit (1)saddle measurement system (1)saddle pad (1)saddle pressure (1)Saddle pressure distribution (1)saddle pressure measurement (1)saddle type (1)saesonal (1)SAG-M (1)sagittal (1)sale examination (1)sale price (1)sale value (1)sales examination (1)sales law (2)saline solution (1)saliva (2)Salmonella (1)salpingitis (1)salpinx (1)salt (2)salt block (1)Samonella abortus equi (1)Sandkolik (1)saphenous vein graft (1)Sarcocystis neurona clinical signs (1)sarcoid (2)sater intake (1)savannah pasture (1)saw technique (1)SBD-CO2 (1)scaffold-free (1)scale of fees (1)scan (1)scanning electron microscope (1)scapula (1)scapula fracture (1)sceletal (1)sceletal growth (1)schooling (1)science (2)scientific method (1)scintigraphy (13)scintillation camera (1)scleral flap operation (1)scoring system (4)screening (2)Screening Limit of Detection (1)screw (1)scrotum (1)scull (1)sea transport (1)season (1)seat (1)secondary (1)secondary chronic gastric obstipation (1)secondary colic (1)secondary reflex uveitis (1)secretion (4)secretolysis (2)secretolytic (1)secretory (1)Security during mating (1)sedation (10)sedation score (1)sedative (1)seizures (2)selected (1)selection (2)selection in breeding (1)selective treatment (1)seleium (1)Selen (1)selenium (6)self-citation (1)seller as client (1)selling (1)semen (8)semen disorder (1)semen evaluation (1)semen extenders (1)semen quality (3)semilunarcuspecho (1)seminal plasma (7)seminalplasma (1)seminoma (1)semiotics (1)senecio alpinus (1)sensitivity (1)sensitization , diagnosis (1)sensory nerves (1)separated (1)separation (1)sepsis (1)septic bicipital tenosynovitis (2)septic tendonitis (1)septic tenosynovitis (2)Septicaemia (2)septicemia (4)septictenosynovitis (1)sequence (1)sequester (1)sequestrum (3)sequestrum formation (2)serine protease inhibitor (1)serology (3)serotonin (1)serum (2)serum amyloid A (1)Serum protein (1)serum retinol (1)serum urea (1)service (1)service contract (1)sesamoidean impar ligament (1)sex reversal syndrome (1)sexual behaviour (4)sexual cycle (1)SGF-1000 (1)sheared heels (1)Shewanella putrefaciens (1)shock (2)shock wave (1)shock wave therapy (1)shockwave therapy (1)shoe (1)shoeing (6)shoeing period (1)short (1)short-chain (1)shortterm results (1)shoulder (4)shoulder joint (4)show jumping (4)sialolith (1)sick (1)side effect (1)side effects (2)side-to-side-anastomosis (1)SieScape (1)signalment (1)significance (1)silicone (2)silicone drainage system (1)Simplex® (1)singleton (1)sinuatrial node (1)sinus (1)sinus rhythm (1)sinus tract (1)sinuses (2)sinusitis (6)sitting trot (1)skeletal disease (1)skeletal muscle (5)skeleton (3)skin (2)skin disease (1)skin grafting (1)skin lesion (1)skin neoplasia (1)skin nodule (1)skin tumour (1)skull fracture (1)slaughter horses (1)sling (1)sling suspension system (2)slings (1)slit nostrils (1)Slovenia (1)small bowel (1)small colon (2)small intestinal (1)small intestinal fistulation (1)small intestine (9)small intestine ileus (1)small intestine resection (1)small strongyles (3)small Strongyles, large Strongyles (1)small-volume resuscitation (1)smalland large intestine (1)smooth muscle (1)snaffle bit (1)social attitudes (1)social behaviour (1)social license to operate (1)sodium (2)sodium hyaluronate (3)sodium sulfate (2)sodium sulphate (2)soft tissue (4)soft tissue mass (1)solar keratoma (1)sole support (1)soluble carbohydrate (1)somatic (1)sonography (22)sound (1)soundness (3)source (1)Spanien (1)Spanish purebred (1)spasmodic colic (1)spavin (4)speciesspecific (1)spectral analysis (1)speed (3)sperm (1)sperm dosis (1)sperm membrane (1)sperm number (1)sperm quality (1)sperm sexing (1)sperm transport (3)sperm-quality (1)sperma (1)spermatic cord (3)spermatogenesis (1)spermatozoa (4)spermatozoon (1)spinal (1)spinal ataxia (1)spinal cord (1)spinal processes (1)spine (3)spinous process (1)Spleen (1)spleen dimensions (1)splen (4)splenic rupture (1)splenorenal space (1)splint (1)splint bone (1)Splint bone fracture (2)splint cast (1)splinting (1)spondylarthrosis (2)spondylopathia ancylans (1)spontaneous (1)spontaneous closure (1)spontaneous surety (1)spooking (1)sport 7 horse (1)sport competition (1)sport disciplines (1)sport horse (3)sporting-horse (1)sports medicine (1)spots medicine (1)spring (1)Squamous cell carcinoma (3)stabilisation (1)stability (1)stabilization (1)stable climate (1)stable housing (1)stabling (1)stainless steel (1)stallion (36)stallion fertility (1)stallion semen (1)stance phase (2)standard (3)standard exercise test (1)Standardbred (3)standardbred horse (1)Standardbred trotter (1)standardisation (3)standardization (1)standing (3)standing horse (1)standing stalls (1)standing surgery (1)stanozolol (1)Staphylococcus aureus (1)starch (7)starch intake (1)starts (1)statistics (2)stem cell (3)stem cell therapy (3)stem cells (2)stenosis (1)Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (1)stereology (1)steroid hormone receptors (3)steroid hormones (1)steroid receptor (1)steroid therapy (1)steroid-hormone (1)stiffness (1)stifle (1)stifle joint (6)stimulation test (1)stomach (5)storage (3)storage of blood (1)storage temperature (1)straight bar shoe (1)strain (3)strain distribution (1)strain rate (1)strangles (1)strangulation (3)Stratum granulosum (1)Streptococcus equi subsp. equi (1)Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (2)stress (23)stress caused (1)stress- echocardiography (1)stress-echocardiography (1)stricture (1)stride (1)stride length (1)stringhalt (1)stroke volume (1)stromal cells (1)strongylid nematodes (1)Strongyloides westeri (1)Strongylus vulgaris (1)structural (1)structural and functional variants of horn cells (1)structure (3)structure defect (1)struggle for life (1)stud management (1)studfarm (1)Stute (1)subarachnoid anaesthesia (1)subcarpal check ligament (1)subchondral bone cyst (1)subchondral bone cysts (1)subchondral bone density (1)subchondral cystic lesion (2)subchondral cystic lesions (SCLs) (1)subchondrale bone cyst (2)subclinical respiratory (1)subcutaneous adipose tissue (1)subcutaneous emphysema (1)subepiglottic (1)subfertility (1)subjective engagement (1)subluxation (1)submaximal performance (1)submucosal (1)subpalpebral lavage catheter (1)substitution (1)subtendineos (1)suckling (1)suckling foal (2)sudden death (1)sudden onset (2)sudden ontset of cold weather (1)suffering (5)sugar (1)sugar beet pulp (1)sugar refractometry (1)summer (1)summer eczema (4)super-ovulation (1)superficial digital flexor tendon (2)superficial flexor tendon (1)superovulation (2)supervision (1)supplementary feed (1)supplementation (6)supply (19)support boots (1)supportive care (1)Supraglenoid fracture (2)supression (1)surface condition (1)surfactant (1)surgery (94)surgery of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (laryngeal hemiplegia) (1)surgical approach (2)surgical curettage (1)surgical excision (1)surgical procedures (1)surgical removal (2)surgical site infection (1)surgical teatment (1)surgical technique (2)surgical therapy (1)surgical treatment (2)survey (2)survival (1)survival rate (1)susceptibility (1)suspensory apparatus (2)suspensory apparatus of the coffin bone (2)suspensory desmistis (1)suspensory desmitis (2)suspensory ligament (10)sustainability (1)sustainable development (1)sustentaculum tali (1)suture (1)SutureButtonTM (1)swab (1)sweat (2)sweat production (2)sweating (1)Sweenie syndrome (2)Sweeny (1)sweet food (1)sweet itch (2)swelling (1)Swim training (1)swimming test (1)Swiss Equestrian Federation (1)Switzerland (3)sycamore (1)Sycamore maple (1)symmetry (1)sympathectomy (1)sympathicus-blockade (1)sympathicus-surgery (1)synallagmatic disorder (1)synovia (1)synovial cavity (1)synovial fluid (1)Synovial fluid analysis (1)synovial membrane (2)synovitis (2)synthesis (1)system (1)systematic (1)systemic (1)systems thinking (1)